Tex. Occ. Code Section 261.102
Committee Participants’ Immunity from Suit

A cause of action does not accrue against a member, agent, or employee of a dental peer review committee for an act, statement, determination, or recommendation made or an act reported, without malice, in the course of peer review under this chapter.
Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 388, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1999.

Source: Section 261.102 — Committee Participants' Immunity from Suit, https://statutes.­capitol.­texas.­gov/Docs/OC/htm/OC.­261.­htm#261.­102 (accessed Jun. 5, 2024).

Jun. 5, 2024

§ 261.102’s source at texas​.gov