Occ. Code Section 104.003
Required Identification
A person subject to this section who uses the person’s name on a written or printed professional identification, including a sign, pamphlet, stationery, or letterhead, or who uses the person’s signature as a professional identification shall designate as required by this section the healing art the person is licensed to practice.(b)
A person who is licensed by the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners and holds a doctor of medicine degree shall use:(1)
physician or surgeon, M.D.;(2)
doctor, M.D.; or(3)
doctor of medicine, M.D.(c)
A person who is licensed by the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners and holds a doctor of osteopathy degree shall use:(1)
physician or surgeon, D.O.;(2)
osteopathic physician or surgeon;(3)
doctor, D.O.;(4)
doctor of osteopathy;(5)
doctor of osteopathic medicine;(6)
osteopath; or(7)
A person who is licensed by the State Board of Dental Examiners shall use:(1)
doctor, D.D.S.;(3)
doctor of dental surgery;(4)
D.D.S.; or(5)
doctor of dental medicine, D.M.D.(e)
A person who is licensed by the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners shall use:(1)
doctor, D.C.;(3)
doctor of chiropractic; or(4)
A person who is licensed by the Texas Optometry Board shall use:(1)
doctor, optometrist;(3)
doctor of optometry; or(4)
A person who is licensed by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation to practice podiatry shall use:(1)
doctor, D.S.C.;(3)
doctor of surgical chiropody;(4)
doctor, D.P.M.;(7)
doctor of podiatric medicine; or(8)
Section 104.003 — Required Identification, https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/OC/htm/OC.104.htm#104.003
(accessed Jun. 5, 2024).