Tex. Transp. Code Section 312.041
Hearing Required


An assessment against property abutting an improvement or against the owner of the property may be made under Subchapter B only after the property owner has a full hearing.


Reasonable notice of the hearing shall be given to the property owner or the owner’s agent or attorney.


Notice of the hearing shall be published at least three times in a newspaper published in the municipality in which the assessment is to be made. If that municipality does not have a newspaper, notice shall be published in the newspaper that is published nearest to the municipality and that is of general circulation in the county in which the municipality is located.


The first publication of the notice shall be made not later than the 10th day before the date of the hearing.


If the owner of the property is a railway, written notice of the assessment and hearing shall be:


delivered in person to the local agent of the railway; or


mailed postage paid at a post office in the municipality and properly addressed to the office of the railway at the address shown on the last approved municipal tax roll.


Notice required by Subsection (e) shall be mailed or delivered not later than 10 days before the date of the hearing.


The governing body of the municipality may provide notice in addition to the notice required by this section.
Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 165, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1995.

Source: Section 312.041 — Hearing Required, https://statutes.­capitol.­texas.­gov/Docs/TN/htm/TN.­312.­htm#312.­041 (accessed Jun. 5, 2024).

Jun. 5, 2024

§ 312.041’s source at texas​.gov