Findings and Declaration of Policy 80.002
Designation of Entity to Carry out Citrus Pest and Disease Control and Suppression 80.003
Definitions 80.004
Advisory Committees 80.005
Creation of Pest Management Zones 80.006
Pest Management Zone Referenda 80.007
Board Elections 80.008
Composition of Board 80.009
Powers of Board and Commissioner 80.010
Board Duties 80.011
Administrative Review 80.012
Contracting 80.013
Board Member Compensation 80.014
Discontinuation of Program and Corporation and Disposition of Funds on Discontinuance 80.015
Assessment Referenda 80.016
Conduct of Board Elections and Referenda 80.017
Payment of Assessments 80.018
Exemption from Assessment Penalties 80.019
Entry of Premises 80.020
Authority to Prohibit Planting of Citrus and Require Participation in Suppression Program 80.021
Authority for Destruction or Treatment of Citrus in Pest Management Zones 80.022
Authority to Adopt Rules 80.023
Reports 80.024
Documenting Regulated Articles 80.025
Cooperative Programs Authorized 80.026
Organic Citrus Producers 80.027
Penalties 80.028
Dissolution Provision 80.029
Annual Report 80.030
Exemption from Taxation 80.031
Use of Bio-intensive Controls 80.032
Venue 80.0175
Suit to Collect Delinquent Assessment
Findings and Declaration of Policy 80.002
Designation of Entity to Carry out Citrus Pest and Disease Control and Suppression 80.003
Definitions 80.004
Advisory Committees 80.005
Creation of Pest Management Zones 80.006
Pest Management Zone Referenda 80.007
Board Elections 80.008
Composition of Board 80.009
Powers of Board and Commissioner 80.010
Board Duties 80.011
Administrative Review 80.012
Contracting 80.013
Board Member Compensation 80.014
Discontinuation of Program and Corporation and Disposition of Funds on Discontinuance 80.015
Assessment Referenda 80.016
Conduct of Board Elections and Referenda 80.017
Payment of Assessments 80.018
Exemption from Assessment Penalties 80.019
Entry of Premises 80.020
Authority to Prohibit Planting of Citrus and Require Participation in Suppression Program 80.021
Authority for Destruction or Treatment of Citrus in Pest Management Zones 80.022
Authority to Adopt Rules 80.023
Reports 80.024
Documenting Regulated Articles 80.025
Cooperative Programs Authorized 80.026
Organic Citrus Producers 80.027
Penalties 80.028
Dissolution Provision 80.029
Annual Report 80.030
Exemption from Taxation 80.031
Use of Bio-intensive Controls 80.032
Venue 80.0175
Suit to Collect Delinquent Assessment