Tex. Gov't Code Section 842.051
General Provisions


Notwithstanding any provision of this subchapter to the contrary, to the extent required by applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, on termination of a subdivision’s participation in the retirement system or on complete discontinuance of contributions, each member becomes fully vested in the member’s accrued benefit with respect to the subdivision to the extent funded as of the date of termination or contribution discontinuance.


The retirement system is not liable to any person for any claim or loss of benefits resulting from the termination of a subdivision’s participation in the system or the failure of a subdivision to make required contributions or payments under a termination agreement.


The board of trustees by rule may establish standards, definitions, and procedures it considers necessary to administer this subchapter and shall take reasonable actions and exercise its discretion in a fair and equitable manner on a case-by-case basis to preserve accrued benefits.
Added by Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. 506 (H.B. 633), Sec. 6, eff. January 1, 2006.

Source: Section 842.051 — General Provisions, https://statutes.­capitol.­texas.­gov/Docs/GV/htm/GV.­842.­htm#842.­051 (accessed Jun. 5, 2024).

Jun. 5, 2024

§ 842.051’s source at texas​.gov